Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July to everyone.  Here in NE  Ohio we have the most gorgeous weather today.  Clear blue skies, perfect temperatures.  Just right for parades, picnics, fireworks or whatever your family does to celebrate our independence.  We attended our city's annual parade complete with high school marching bands, politicians, antique cars and tractors, civic groups and most of the town firetrucks.  As I watched all the people line the street, the children dressed in red, white and blue and grabbing candy as it flew towards the spectators; how many of them on this day take a few minutes to think about what the day means.  Is it important to them ?  Do they understand the struggle, the sacrifices made in the past 238 years and are they aware and grateful for the life they have because of it ?  I certainly hope so.

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